Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hello, weekend!

First things first - 
We unpacked our very last box last weekend!  We finally put together our Lowe's clearance bookshelves, and our collection of DVDs now have a nice cozy home it the Patrick Room.
(*Updated picture.  Apparently Patrick is a little sensitive about me showing the world up his shorts.  Sheesh.)

And now on to more important information -
Mom and Dad and seeeester are coming to see me us today!!!!!
Guest rooms: check!

And just so they know what to look for:

See that blue sky?!?!?  I am so happy this weekend is going to be BEEEEA-utiful for la familia!  More to come later - after I've had time to put dad to work


  1. lol, patrick is so sensative..gah. Looks good! enjoy your weekend!

  2. I spy...with these eyes of mine...paintings from sip n' strokes!!! I thought y'all would never hang them!
